Panhandle Circle-square

Tom R. Chambers works with the crop-circle configurations in the Texas Panhandle (Google Earth). Scholars during the Medieval Period believed that there was something "divine" or "perfect" about the circle . The farmers of today in the Texas Panhandle believe in the practicality and efficiency of the circle via the utilization of center pivot irrigation of their crops. The "Earth canvases" ( Found Art ) above are a testament to the farmers' intuitive nature and mathematical skill of working with the dynamics of the circle and within the confines of a square (plot of land) to irrigate their crops. What's interesting is when these circle-square configurations are viewed as aerial landscapes (similar to "Aeropaintings" ["Futurism"] ), they rival the works of some non-objective artists. The artist Kazimir Malevich (founder of Suprematism [non-objective approach to making art]) viewed the aerial landscape as a new and radical...