At the Movies: 1952-1969

Tom R. Chambers creates an installation piece for large-scale projection. The video spans 18 years (1952-1969; kindergarten through college) via movie titles that begin to paint/stroke an abstraction conjuring up another title for the piece: "Title Stroke". This time period involves the movies Chambers can actually recall watching (at a theater or drive-in) with his parents, friends, and alone.

Chambers is an "only child", so most to all of his time was their (parents') time, particularly his mother's, and when they went to the movies, he tagged along - no babysitter. Consequently, many of the movies that he recalls are of the mature version. Historically speaking, many people of his age probably "traveled" a similar course with their movie viewing. So, "At the Movies: 1952-1969" is not only about his past, but possibly yours as well.

A composite of screen captures of the video follows to indicate how the "paint/stroke" aspect materializes:


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